Trump is willing to help ASAP Rocky – the detained rapper in Sweden – to get out with the assist of The White House.

Politics and music collided when Kanye West, the well-known rapper urged his wife, Kim Kardashian to interfere. The female entrepreneur spoke to President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner to fix the situation.

After the issue was raised to the president, he appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to work on the case with Swedish authorities. This is to ensure Rocky’s conditions are just and regular updates re received.

READ: ASAP Rocky arrested in Sweden under terrible jail conditions

Kim Kardashian took it to Twitter, quoting TMZ’s tweet with “Thank you @realDonaldTrump , @SecPompeo, Jared Kushner & everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated 🙏🏼🤞🏼”

According to The Washington Post and TMZ, ASAP and two others will be behind bars for a third week in Sweden as the prosecutor investigates.

He now will be detained for only two weeks, as he was previously charged, he’ll be spending time in jail till at least the 25th of July.