Following yesterday’s world premiere for Avengers: Endgame, early reviews for the film have begun pouring in, and they’re overwhelmingly positive. All of the movies from the Marvel Universe so far have had an extra scene slapped onto the end credits of the movie. It’s something fans have come to expect from the franchise. However, that all changes with Avengers: Endgame. There is no traditional mid-credit or end-credit sequence, but there is a little audio stinger at the end.
Don’t worry, we’re not going to spoil the Endgame for you, but there is a description for the audio stinger at the end. For more on the movie, check out some reviews from around the industry.
Avengers: Endgame is the 22nd movie in the Marvel Universe and the first one to not have a post-credits cinematic, teasing what’s next for Marvel. However, there may be a reason to stick around as there is an audio excerpt at the end, when the Marvel logo appears. The metallic sound is anyone’s guess, but it’s been suggested it sounds like Tony Stark forging his first Iron Man armor. So as soon as the credits begin to roll, the choice is yours. You can leave the theater or stay through the credits to hear a noise that may or not mean anything for Phase 4.

Phase 4
Endgame marks the end of Phase 3 of the MCU, and as we learned last month, these films will be known as The Infinity Saga. As far as recent mid-credits and post-credit sequences go, Infinity War ended with Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury contacting Captain Marvel on a pager, Ant-Man and the Wasp left Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang trapped in the Quantum Realm with his friends snapped to dust, and Captain Marvel showed us Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers answering the pager’s call in the present, meeting the Avengers. Additionally, there were a couple of comedic post-credit moments as well.
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Most of these snippets give the audience a hint as to what’s coming next. But with Endgame being the end of the 22-film journey, there’s nothing left to tease before Phase 4 begins — although Marvel boss Kevin Feige has clarified that Spider-Man: Far From Home, not Endgame, is technically the end of Phase 3. So perhaps some hint as to what is to come will be delivered there, once the movie is released in July. Whatever transpires in Endgame, and when Far From Home is set, we know the movie will feature both Nick Fury and Tom Holland’s Peter Parker, along with a variety of returning characters from Homecoming.
If you can’t wait for the end-credits to use the facilities, check out Gamespot’s guide on when to go pee. It’s spoiler-safe, with allusions to what events to watch for when you step out to relieve yourself. At just over three hours long and the stakes being so high, no one will blame you if you need a quick bathroom trip.